Maybe it’s the emotion talking, but isn’t this the best show in years?! 我太爱了前几集的节奏太棒台词太优秀了哪怕到了后面节奏略拖也还是有趣的很好的平衡了政客的良心和野心这是绝大多数正儿八经的政治剧都做不到的下一季不会真的十年后吧Ryan Murphy please come to your senses! 特效化妆和科技进步就是为了让你不要折磨我十年啊……况且Ben也没有那么小啊胖上十斤立马能演三十多【不是 William太可口了我完全理解Bette Midler的疯狂哪个阿姨能抵挡这种小奶狗啊这个剧探讨的东西真是让人忍不住感慨舆论环境的变化我明白RM为什么要重启Glee了【拜托一定请老人客串
emotional porn, but would rather prefer this kind of politics than the cold establishment leaving the mass in despairAnd would rather see this type of superhero (and superheroine, diversity!) movies than those made by MarvelAOC镜头感还挺强的